Monday, January 12, 2009

Sci Rev and Enlightenment Outline

The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment

I. Defining the Scientific Rev:

II. Discovering the World:
A. Galileo
B. Isaac Newton

III. Disseminating the Info:
A. The Salon Movement
B. Baloon Men: Montgolfier
B. Franz Anton Mesmer (an anti-example)

IV. Defining the Enlightenment:
A. Main Principles:
1. reason
2. Sci. Method
3. Utilitarianism
4. Education
5. Legal reform (Beccaria)
6. Constitutionalism

B. Philosophes
(Locke, Smith, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montesquieu)
1. Progress
2. Deism
3. Optimism

C. Age of Faith over Reason?
D. Enlightened Absolutism
Ø Frederick the Great (Frederick II) of Prussia (ruled 1740-1785).
Ø Empress Maria Theresa of Austria (ruled 1740-1780)
Ø Emperor Joseph II of Austria (ruled 1765-1790)
Ø Catherine the Great of Russia (ruled 1762-1796)

V. Results?

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