Wednesday, January 21, 2009


The French Revolution: 1789-1799

I. Introduction:

II. Origins:
A. Poor Leadership
B. American Revolution
C. Economic Problems
D. Problems with the Three Estates

III. The First Revolution:
A. The Oath of the Tennis Court
B. Storming the Bastille
C. The Great Fear
D. Dec. of Rights of Man
E. Women Respond to Poverty and Revolution

IV. New Government:
Constitutional Monarchy

V. Wars Abroad: 1792-1802
(“levee en masse”=draft)

VI. The Second Revolution Begins (1792)
A. Maximilian Robespierre
B. The Terror
January 21, 1793:
Louis le Dernier
(Louis the Last)

VII. Thermidorean Reaction: 1794-1799
The Directory: 1795-1799
VIII. Significance

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