Wednesday, February 25, 2009

WW Two Outline

The Rise of Fascism and World War II in Europe

I. World Fascism
Mussolini, Franco, Salazar, Vargas
II. Fall of Weimar/Rise of HitlerIII. Hitler as Chancellor
--Nazi Goals--
A. Economic RecoveryB. RearmamentC. Lebensraum
IV. Hitler’s Foreign Policy
A. Anschluss
B. Czechoslovakia, Chamberlin, and Appeasement
C. Poland
V. War
A. Fall of France
B. Battle of Britain
C. Invasion of Soviet Union
D. U.S. Enters War--D-Day
VI. Holocaust
A. Hitler’s View of Race
B. Phases in Evolution of Nazi Policy
Ø Boycotts
Ø Work Discrimination
Ø Individual Action
Ø Nuremburg Laws
Ø "German blood and honor"
Ø Reich Citizenship Laws
1938-1941: Escalation
Ø Kristallnacht
Ø Ghettoization
Ø "Final Solution" (Lebensunwertes Leben)
C. Reinhard Heydrich: The Wansee Conference
D. Lessons?

1 comment:

  1. where is the final exam review sheet? -Misty
